General provisions
1. The store is run at by KONRAD R.K.Z. BZDURSCY SPÓŁKA JAWNA, ul. Dąbrowska 44, 99-235 Pęczniew; NIP (tax identification number): 828-10-99-281, REGON (statistical number): 730232001.
2. The Store is a tool through which the Seller sells Goods via the Internet and is one of the ways to conclude an agreement regarding the Goods with the Seller. These Regulations set out the rules for the conclusion of the Contract for the Sale of Goods between the Seller and the Customer, using means of distance communication and the use of the Store by the Customer, available at
3. In the scope of Electronic Services, these Regulations are the regulations referred to in the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws of 2002 No. 144, item 1204, as amended). The Regulations are addressed to all Store customers. The Customer is obliged to comply with all provisions of the Regulations. The sale is based on the version of these Regulations in force at the time of placing the order.
4. All information contained on the Store's website regarding products (including prices) does not constitute an offer within the meaning of art. 66 of the Civil Code, but the invitation to conclude a contract specified in Article 71 of the Civil Code.
3. The Store is run in accordance with the Regulations and applicable to the Store and the activities of the Seller, in particular on the Internet by law. The regulations specify:
(a) the types and scope of Electronic Services referred to in the Regulations;
(b) the conditions for the provision of Electronic Services, including:
• technical requirements necessary to cooperate with the ICT system used by the Seller;
• a ban on the delivery of illegal content by customers;
(c) the conditions for concluding and terminating contracts for Electronic Services referred to in the Regulations;
(d) the complaint procedure regarding Electronic Services;
(e) the rules of using the Store, including the rights and obligations of Customers and the Seller; resulting from using the Store.
4. For the purpose referred to in par. 2 Electronic services are provided by the Seller through the Store.
§ 2
Definitions and contact details
1. Terms used in the Regulations with a capital letter means:
(a) Store - a system of websites made available and operating at the domain address and subordinate domains, with the use of which the Seller sells Goods via the Internet and provides electronic services and equipped with IT functionalities allowing the conclusion of a contract for with his help;
(b) Seller - KONRAD R.K.Z. BZDURSCY SPÓŁKA JAWNA, ul. Dąbrowska 44, 99-235 Pęczniew; NIP: 828-10-99-281, REGON: 730232001
(c) Customer - any legal entity that uses the functionality of the Store, in particular purchases the Goods via the Store;
(d) Content - the entire substantive content of the Store, including in particular information about the Goods and the Seller and his offer presented in the Store;
(e) Consumer - a natural person making with the entrepreneur, i.e. the Seller, a legal act not related directly to its business or professional activity;
(f) Goods - all movable items sold by the Seller using the Store, in the offered assortment of underwear;
(g) Payment Service Provider - an entity providing payment services within the meaning of the Payment Services Act of 19 August 2011 (Journal of Laws 2014.873 jt) enabling the Customer to pay for Goods via transfers, internet transfers, payment cards, credit cards or debit cards or otherwise used for sales via the Internet and made available in the Store;
(h) Regulations - these regulations governing the functioning of the Store placed at the domain address;
(i) Electronic service - a service specified in the Regulations constituting the indicated functionality of the Store and constituting the provision of electronic services within the meaning of the Act on the provision of electronic services, i.e. the performance of a service provided without the simultaneous presence of the parties (at a distance), through the transmission of data at the individual request of the recipient, transmitted and received by means of electronic processing devices, including digital compression, and data storage, which is entirely transmitted, received or transmitted via a telecommunications network within the meaning of the Act of 16 July 2004 - Telecommunications Law; The Regulations define the types and scope of Electronic Services;
(j) Account - one of the Electronic Services, which consists of a set of resources kept for the Customer in the Store under a unique name (login), in which the Customer's data and information about his activities within the Store are collected;
(k) Order form - the functionality of the Store containing the necessary information about the Customer and his order for Goods, which are sent to the Seller through the Store as part of the procedure of conclusion of the contract for Goods and used by the Customer to place orders for Goods using the Store;
(l) Contact Services - one of the Electronic Services allowing contact with the Store in the manner specified in the Regulations, including the newsletter;
(m) Act on the provision of electronic services - the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws 2013.1422, as amended);
(n) Consumer Rights Act - the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws 2014.827 as amended);
(o) Civil Code - the Act of 23 April 1964 Civil Code (Journal of Laws 2016.380 as amended).
2. The data of the Seller are as follows:
(b) registered office and address: ul. Dąbrowska 44, 99-235 Pęczniew;
(c) NIP: 828-10-99-281;
(d) REGON: 730232001;
(f) phone: +48 43 678 17 52; 665 490 370;
(g) e-mail:;
(h) website addresses:
3. Through the information contained in the Regulations and relevant information available in the Store, the Seller provides the information referred to in paragraph 2 and informs about:
(a) the main features of the service, including the subject of the service and the manner of communicating with the Consumer;
(b) the total price of the Good;
(c) the method and date of payment;
(d) the manner and date of performance by the Seller;
(e) the complaint handling procedure followed by the Seller, including regarding Electronic Services;
(f) the manner and time limit for exercising the right to withdraw from the contract pursuant to art. 27 of the Act on Consumer Rights, as well as the model withdrawal form, contained in Annex 2 to the Act on Consumer Rights;
(g) no right to withdraw from the contract pursuant to art. 38 of the Act on Consumer Rights or circumstances in which the Consumer loses the right to withdraw from the contract;
(h) the cost of returning items in the event of withdrawal from the contract to be borne by the Consumer;
(i) the Seller's obligation to deliver goods without defects;
(j) the existence and content of after-sales warranties and services, and how they will be made available, if available;
(k) functionality of digital content and technical means of protection - if applicable;
(l) significant interoperability of digital content with computer hardware and software of which the Seller knows or should know;
(m) the possibility of using extrajudicial means of dealing with complaints and redress as well as the rules of access to these procedures.
§ 3
The procedure of concluding the contract in the Store
1. The Store is used to conclude contracts for the sale of Goods between the Customer and the Seller.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, as part of using the Store, contracts are concluded between Customers and the Seller for the electronic services described in the Regulations.
3. The condition of using the Store's services is to read these Regulations and accept them. By placing an order, the Customer accepts the Regulations.
4. Orders from customers are accepted by, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. After placing the order, the customer receives confirmation of the order placed via e-mail correspondence.
5. The procedure for concluding the contract for the Goods via the Store consists of those described in paragraph 6 technical activities related to the placement of the order by the Customer and described in paragraph 8 technical activities related to confirming the acceptance of the order for implementation. The procedure for concluding contracts for Electronic Services is regulated in § 6 of the Regulations.
6. In order for the Customer to properly place an order, the following steps are necessary:
(a) using the Order Form, subject to paragraph 12;
(b) selection of the ordered Good and its features (name, color, quantity);
(c) choosing one of the available payment methods;
(d) choosing one of the available methods of delivering the Good (delivery);
(e) completing the Order Form in the remaining scope (including name, surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address);
(f) confirming the placement of the order in accordance with the selection made, which results in the obligation to pay.
7. If the Customer places the order correctly, the order is immediately sent to the Seller via the Store.
8. After receiving the Customer's order in accordance with para. 7 The Seller shall immediately send to the Customer's e-mail address provided in the Order Form a message regarding the confirmation of acceptance of the order for implementation. Confirmation of the order allows the final acceptance of the order by the customer. The message is sent with a request to confirm the order automatically, any comments please write to us at:
9. Immediate confirmation by the recipient of the offer receipt of the offer results in binding the content of the submitted offer.
10. The data necessary to conclude a contract in the Store as part of the contract conclusion procedure are entered, recorded and available via the Order Form and Account. Confirmation of order acceptance for implementation, referred to in paragraph 8 contains data making up the content of the concluded agreement regarding the Goods.
11. Using the Store and its functionalities, including in particular entering information in the Order Form and detecting errors in the scope of this information and correcting them is done by means of an appropriate application - a web browser (eg Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera e.t.c.).
12. Available means of communication between the Customer and the Store are also:
(a) E-mail -
(b) Telephone - 665 490 370
(c) Correspondence address ul. Dąbrowska 44, 99-235 Pęczniew.
3. There is no minimum order amount. If the Customer's data on the Order Form is incomplete or incorrect, the order will not be accepted for execution. When placing an order, please remember to provide detailed descriptions of the ordered goods (name, color, quantity) and your data (name, surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address). Entering the selected Good into the basket is not equivalent to buying it. Accepting the order results in a payment obligation.
§ 4
Payments and deliveries
1. Customer payments for Goods purchased in the Store are made:
(a) by cash payment on delivery (cash on delivery);
(b) in the form of a traditional transfer;
(c) via payment methods used as part of payment services provided on the Internet provided in the Store, including payment methods offered by the Payment Service Provider, if they have been made available within the Store, in particular online transfers. Currently, the Store does not provide card payments.
2. The prices of Goods specified in the Store are prices expressed in Polish zlotys and include the amount of tax on goods and services. The prices do not include the costs of delivery of the Good (delivery).
3. The total cost to pay for a given order for purchases made in the Store is the sum of the price of the ordered Goods, the cost of delivery of the Goods (the chosen method of delivery), the costs of the chosen method of payment (if applicable). All payments making up the total cost to be paid are provided in the Store, in particular in the ordering procedure for Goods.
4. The price given next to each Good is binding upon placing the order by the Customer.
5. Data for transfer are as follows:
KONRAD R.K.Z. BZDURSCY SPÓŁKA JAWNA, ul. Dąbrowska 44, 99-235 Pęczniew; NIP: 828-10-99-281, REGON: 730232001
Raiffeisen Bank Polska S.A., account number: 71 1750 1093 0000 0000 2142 2444
6. Payments referred to in paragraph 1 point (b) - (c) are carried out in accordance with the following principles:
(a) these payments are processed by the Payment Service Provider;
(b) payments may only be made by persons authorized to use the instrument in accordance with which the payment is made,
(c) in the case referred to in para. 1 point (c) the transaction form provided by the Payment Service Provider is made available or the payment service provider is redirected to the appropriate website according to the selected payment method;
(d) the payment is made in accordance with the rules applied by the given Payment Service Provider, made available by the Payment Service Provider.
8. Goods ordered in the Store are issued (sent) by:
(a) personal pickup;
(b) dispatch via courier in accordance with the services offered by the relevant entity indicated in the Store;
(c) shipping via Poczta Polska.
9. After the Customer receives the confirmation of acceptance of the offer, the Seller shall process the order, with:
(a) in the case of placing an order payable on delivery - begins a maximum of the next business day after confirmation by the Seller;
(b) in the case of placing an order payable by traditional transfer - begins after the payment has been credited to the Store's bank account for the order;
(c) in the case of placing an order payable online - begins after receiving information about the correct payment for the given order number.
10. Orders placed in the Store are processed within the Store's working hours (on business days, from Monday to Friday, between 8.00 and 16.00).
11. Orders for Goods are carried out on working days, within 10 working days from the start of the contract, in accordance with paragraph 9, which means that they are forwarded for dispatch or ready for personal collection within this period.
12. In the absence of the ordered Goods, the Store will immediately inform about the nearest date of the order. Sizes of lingerie models from sale are often the last items we have in stock. Due to the fact that the system does not subtract pieces, it may happen automatically that the size you ordered is no longer available, because someone has just bought it. We fulfill orders in accordance with the order of receipt - their numbering. If the size you ordered is no longer available, we will contact you with a request to choose another model.
13. The Seller does not send Goods outside the European Union. For orders carried out abroad, the Seller only accepts payment in the form of a bank transfer. Goods are shipped after receiving confirmation from the Bank after receipt of payment. The Store provides the cost of shipping the Good abroad.
14. For each order, the Customer receives confirmation of the purchase of the Good on a durable medium, which is the printout of the order in paper form. In addition, the Customer receives the same order form to the e-mail address provided in the order.
§ 5
Customer Responsibilities
1. All information provided by the Customer in the Store, including the Order Form and Account, in particular information provided to conclude a contract in the Store should be consistent with the facts.
2. It is prohibited for the Customer using the Electronic Service referred to in § 6 of the Regulations to submit illegal content.
§ 6
Electronic service
1. The Seller provides Electronic Services through the Store. Electronic services are free.
2. Electronic services consist in providing the Customer with all functionalities of the Store, including those enabling the conclusion of a goods contract with the Seller via the Store, and in particular consist of:
(a) providing, at the Customer's individual request, information placed within the Store by displaying a page with a specific URL address, including information on the Seller and Goods and information on how to conclude the contract and its performance;
(b) enabling communication at the individual request of the Customer to conclude a contract, including placing an order, in particular via the Order Form;
(c) enabling the Customer to conclude a Goods contract through the Store, including allowing agreement on the terms of the contract, determining the price and shipping costs;
(d) presentation of the Goods sold through the Store and searching for them;
3. The Seller provides the following Electronic Services via the Online Store:
(a) Account and Order Form;
(b) making the Content available, including the presentation of the Goods;
(c) Contact services.
4. The contract for Electronic Services is concluded by the Customer starting to use the given Electronic Service, i.e. by starting to use the given functionality of the Store.
5. The Customer may at any time terminate the use of a given Electronic Service. Subject to paragraph 6 termination of the contract for the use of a given Electronic Service is made by ceasing to use the given functionality of the Store. In this case, the contract terminates automatically without the need for additional statements by the parties.
6. Termination of the Account agreement occurs as soon as the option of Account deletion is used and the newsletter agreement is withdrawn when the consent to send newsletters is withdrawn.
7. In order to properly use Electronic Services, the Customer should have:
(a) connection to the Internet;
(b) computer hardware and software having the functionality of a web browser enabling the display of HTML documents on a computer screen or a mobile device allowing, together with the appropriate software, to use the application with the function of a web browser for mobile devices.
8. Complaints regarding Electronic Services should be made using the contact details referred to in § 2 para. 2 of the Regulations.
9. Complaints referred to in para. 8 are considered within 14 days of their receipt. The seller will inform the customer about the results of the complaint using the customer contact details provided by him in the complaint.
§ 7
Cancellation of the contract
1. Pursuant to art. 27 of the Act on consumer rights, a consumer who has concluded a contract via the online store has the right to withdraw from the contract:
(a) regarding Goods;
(b) regarding the Electronic Service.
2. Instructions regarding the rules for exercising the right of withdrawal and its effects constitute, together with the withdrawal form, an Annex to the Regulations.
3. The right to withdraw from a contract concluded outside the business premises or at a distance is not entitled to the Consumer:
(a) in relation to contracts for the supply of digital content that is not saved on a tangible medium, if the performance of the service began with the express consent of the Consumer before the deadline to withdraw from the contract and after being informed by the entrepreneur about the loss of the right to withdraw from the contract;
(b) in which the subject of the service is a non-prefabricated item, manufactured according to the Consumer's specifications or serving to satisfy his individual needs.
§ 8
1. The Seller is obliged to deliver the item (Good) without defects.
2. The Customer has rights under the warranty referred to in the provisions of the Civil Code.
3. Complaints should be submitted using the Seller's contact details referred to in § 2 para. 2 of the Regulations.
4. In the complaint application, to facilitate its consideration, it is suggested to provide the following information: name and surname, exact address (street, zip code, city), contact telephone number, email address, order description, reason for complaint.
5. The complaint submission procedure referred to in para. 3-4 of the Regulations is a suggested procedure and in no way excludes or limits by law the permissible methods of submitting claims.
6. Complaints shall be considered in accordance with the principles arising from the warranty referred to in the provisions of the Civil Code, subject to paragraph 7. The Customer who exercises the warranty rights is obliged to deliver the defective Goods at the Seller's expense to the Seller's address referred to in § 2 of the Regulations. This paragraph also applies to the return of the Good in the event of withdrawal from the contract and replacement of the Good for free from defects.
7. In relation to Customers who are not Consumers, the Seller's liability under the warranty is excluded pursuant to art. 558. § 1 of the Civil Code.
§ 9
Technical requirements
Access to and use of the Store is possible on operating system platforms that allow the use of the Internet and software with the functionality of a web browser enabling the display of HTML documents on a computer screen, on any type of computer that meets the requirements of such operating systems, and through any type of internet connection using software with functionalities of web browsers e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla FireFox, Opera, Apple Safari (only version for MacOS) and Google Chrome 23.X (only version for MS Windows) or on mobile devices equipped with software that allows displaying the Store on these devices, in particular applications with the functions of web browsers for mobile devices.
§ 10
Final Provisions
1. The Store and activities related to concluding contracts in the Store are available in Polish, English and French [KWW1].
2. The Regulations are made available to the Customer at the address before the conclusion of the contract, and - at his request - in a form that allows obtaining, reproducing and consolidating the content of the Regulations using ICT system used by the Customer, including in particular downloading, copying, downloading and saving on the Customer's disk or printing.
3. The Regulations are an integral part of the contract concluded through the Store, including the contract for Electronic Service.
4 The customer has the right to lodge a complaint referred to in the Regulations and to use other claims arising from legal provisions. The customer has the right to use extrajudicial means of redress, including in particular:
(a) mediation, including, in the case of a Customer who is a Consumer, mediation of mediators operating at the Trade Inspection;
(b) arbitration, including, in the case of a Customer who is a Consumer, permanent arbitration courts at the Trade Inspection;
(c) in the case of a Customer who is a Consumer, to seek the help of municipal or poviat consumer ombudsmen;
(d) in the case of a Customer who is a Consumer to use the online platform for settling disputes between consumers and entrepreneurs at EU level (ODR platform), available at
5. Regulations may be changed. The amended Regulations are made available in accordance with para. 2 and shall apply to orders for Goods placed after it is made available and the Customer makes a statement in the course of placing an order regarding becoming acquainted with the Regulations after its amendment, in particular the amendment to the Regulations does not apply to orders placed before its disclosure as well as to the Electronic Service, that the Customer started using before making it available. In relation to electronic services of a continuous nature in the event of changes to the Regulations during their validity, the changes bind the Customer to whom the Electronic Services applies if he does not terminate the contract for these Electronic Services within 3 days from the date of the change.
6. To the extent not covered by the Regulations, generally applicable provisions of law shall apply, in particular the Civil Code, the Act on consumer rights, and the Act on the provision of electronic services.
Annex 1 to the Regulations
The right to withdraw from the contract
You have the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days without giving any reason.
The deadline to withdraw from the contract expires after 14 days from the day on which
• you came into possession of an item or in which a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you came into possession of the item
• in the case of a multi-item contract, you came into possession of the last item or in which a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you came into possession of the last item.
• for services - you have entered into a contract
To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us, i.e. KONRAD R.K.Z. BZDURSCY SPÓŁKA JAWNA, ul. Dąbrowska 44, 99-235 Pęczniew; NIP: 828-10-99-281, REGON: 730232001, about your decision to withdraw from the contract by an unequivocal statement (for example, a letter sent by post, fax or e-mail).
You can use the model withdrawal form, but it is not mandatory.
To meet the deadline to withdraw from the contract, you only need to send information regarding the exercise of your right to withdraw from the contract before the deadline to withdraw from the contract.
Effects of withdrawal from the contract
In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the contract is considered void. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, all payments received from you, including delivery costs (except for additional costs resulting from your chosen delivery method other than the cheapest usual delivery method offered in the Online Store) are returned to you immediately, and in any case not later than 14 days from the day on which your decision to exercise your right to withdraw from the contract was notified. The reimbursement is made using the same payment methods that you used for the original transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any case you will not incur any fees in connection with this refund. The reimbursement of payments may be suspended until the Seller receives the item or until proof of sending it is provided, depending on which event occurs first.
Please send or return the item to the Seller immediately, and in any case not later than 14 days from the day on which you informed about the withdrawal. The deadline is met if you send back the item within 14 days.
You will have to bear the direct cost of returning the item.
You are only responsible for reducing the value of the item resulting from using it in a different way than was necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the item.
(this form should be completed and returned only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
- Addressee: KONRAD R.K.Z. BZDURSCY SPÓŁKA JAWNA, ul. Dąbrowska 44, 99-235 Pęczniew; NIP (tax identification number): 828-10-99-281, REGON (statistical number): 730232001
- I / We (*) hereby inform / inform (*) about my / our withdrawal from the contract:
• selling the following items (*)
• for the provision of the following service (*)
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...............
- Date of conclusion of the contract (*) / receipt (*) ...................................... ...........................
- Name of consumer (s) ......................................... ..........................
- Address of consumer (s) ........................................... .......................................
- Signature of the consumer (s) (only if the form is sent in paper version) ................................. .................................................. ..................
- Date .............................................
(*) Delete as applicable.
* delete as appropriate
Annex 2 to the Regulations
Shipping costs
20,00 ZŁ |
14,70 ZŁ |
13,50 ZŁ |
21,00 ZŁ |
14,50 ZŁ |
12,20 ZŁ |
11,70 ZŁ |
15,50 ZŁ |
14,50 ZŁ |
12,20 ZŁ |
11,70 ZŁ |
15,50 ZŁ |
Orders - foreign customers
We do not ship goods outside the European Union.
For orders carried out abroad, we only accept payment via bank transfer. Goods are shipped after receiving confirmation from the Bank after receiving the money from you. Shipping costs abroad 49 PLN, we send by DPD or UPS.